Friday, November 6, 2009

The Funny Thing About Being Real

I've finally "grown up" enough to have taken my last blog post lesson to heart: No excuses-own up and admit to your actions. You know what? I didn't realize just how freeing that can be, and not in the way I thought.

Yesterday morning I got this strong feeling to step on the scale. At first I was going to ignore it. I already knew I was up, why put salt the the wound? (I suppose it wouldn't be the first time I was a glutton for punishment) I think the hardest thing about finding myself is having the courage to actually listen to my body-become a partner with it. My body didn't make me this way, I did. So I decided to follow my gut and got on the scale. The number I saw totally surprised me-I had lost the weight I had gained and was back at my bracelet weight. What.The.HECK??!!

I think I walked in a haze for the better part of that morning. I finally took myself to task about owning up and this happens? Now I know the loss could be any number of things, but my point to this is that I feel like one of those contestants on the Biggest Loser who has this mental breakthrough and goes on to kicking ass. Four days ago I was at a low point, but yesterday and today-I feel like I could get on the treadmill and pound out some serious calories.

I don't usually get religious but this phrase really seems to fit this situation: Wherever God closes a door, he opens a window. That window sent a ray of sunshine my way, it really did. Now what I need to do is seize the moment and build momentum from this experience. :)

Now I'm off to figure out how to make a workout playlist on my ipod. LOL


  1. I love it when things don't go the way I expect them to ... well, at least when I expect them to not go well :) Congratulations!!!

  2. Congrats!!! There's a fine line between holding yourself responsible and accountable and beating yourself up ... may we all find it!
